Born Of Fire


Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Bitter Hymn of the Republic

Many months ago, while at my computer, I was reading some threads in a discussion group about the movie "The Passion Of Christ." The overall consensus of this discussion group was that this movie was pretty much a torture movie designed to satisfy that bottomless pit of need in the degenerate psychs of the American culture who experience pleasure from the suffering of others.

I remember going to the laundromat after leaving the computer and there was only one guy in the laundromat which was unusual at that time of the day. The guy looked a little different then most of the men in my area. Many of the men in my area are the type that like to drive these SUV's and often move with a kind of "military swagger" that is intimidating to those around them. These people move with an abruptness that reflects an intimidating nature, much like solders move when they are marching, with swift and sudden motions, much like a navy recruit might curtly salute his commanding officer with the exclamation: "eye, eye sir"! The people around me often move like soldiers, in a very "commanding" manner.

This is the age of Mars, the age of war. There is a martial mindset in the collective mind which will soon represent itself as martial law. Just wait until something big happens, like an economic meltdown or a big quake or something else.
Just wait. We are in 'war mode' and the government is now leading the charge.

But this guy in the laundromat was different. He was not like many of the people around here. I remember him as having a beard and his dress reminded me of the hippies of yesteryear. He moved with a most un-intimidating gate, unlike much of what I see in the people around me. Well, even though I particularly don't like small talk I felt at ease with this person and we naturally began talking. Somehow we got to talking about the area in which we live and how it had such an unusual "feel" to it, as if something had changed from the way things were years ago. He could not really put his finger on it but he knew that something was "strange" going on but he could not really articulate it. He suddenly brought up the movie "The Passion Of Christ" which really surprised me because just moments before I was reading a discussion of this very movie on my computer. Quite a synchronicity.

Synchronicities are a most interesting subject. We tend to think that all of our experience is conditioned to the spatio-temperal framework but we often fail to realize that there are other modes of experience that are timeless, whereby we can begin to recognize certain 'eternal patterns' in our experience where events in our lives have a certain acausual connectedness outside of the conditions of time and space. We recognize these connections 'in a flash' much like we can recognize shapes, like in the way we recognize a circle or a triangle. This instantaneous recognition of an acausal connection between events, where there is no 'before or after' or 'here and there,' was strongly recognized by the Dr. C.G. Jung where he stated the following in his intro to Wilhelm's I Ching:

"This assumption involves a certain curious principle that I have termed synchronicity, a concept that formulates a point of view diametrically opposed to that of causality. Since the later is no more then a sort of working hypothesis of how events evolve one out of another, whereas synchronicity takes the coincidence of events in space and time as meaning more then mere chance, namely a peculiar interdependence of objective events among themselves, as well as with the subjective (psychic) state of the observer or observers."

Perhaps there are beings or intellegences of a higher order that
have functional organs that are so different then ours that they can directly perceive virtual states as we perceive a table or a chair and they can study these 'eternal patterns' as if they are actual 'facts,' just as a scientist can study the factual physical world with his scientific instruments. For these beings, the way in which they partition the Universal (Dimensional) Manifold would be very different then ours, much in the same way that bodies in relative motion divide space-time differently as represented by the theory of Special Relativity. Possibly these beings can travel through time as we travel through space?

But what if there are higher order beings that are not our friends, who feed off of us in some way, who are masters of deception and can manipulate syncronicities and 'fold' the dimensional manifold in certain ways so as to mislead man to keep him in a kind of prison?

Now that's a scary thought!

At this following
I found a most fascinating article regarding syncronicities involving certain patterns and periodicity's that we can observe in History

Well, I digressed.

Let me get back to the guy in the Laundromat who I was talking to about the movie 'The Passion Of Christ.' Well, this guy basically told me that he was horrified at what he saw in this movie and it just seemed to him that the movie was a long drawn out torture scene and he described how he left the movie early because it made him feel physically ill. He simply could not understand what people saw in that movie and noted how something is just "not right" about the way people are acting today. He looked perplexed.

Well, I was tempted to talk to him about how we are all being bombarded by microwaves, by chemtrails, about how we are subjected to mind programming as well as other things that are probably beyond our comprehension. I wanted to tell him how the people we see around us are collectively nothing more then machines who simply cannot help themselves, and that as a group mind they exist in a kind of collective "virtual reality" that can be changed as easily as one can download a program into a computer. I wanted to tell him how the particular programs that we see in the people around us have probably been implemented repeatedly at one time or another for thousands of years throughout history and this is certainly not the first time in history that it has been "played out".

But I quickly stopped myself from this long explanation and simply said to him that it seems to me that the world around us is losing its soul.

Well, he immediately lit up when he heard my statement and exclaimed "that's right! It's as if the people are acting with no soul"!

I was happy to see that he understood. We didn't talk much beyond that but I was glad that I found someone who actually could see that something is "not right" with the way people are acting around us. No one else seems to notice.

It appears that the movie "The Passion Of Christ, which is basically a snuff film that has gone 'legit', represents the attitude of the United States government towards those helpless victims in the Middle East where the well being of the US government and the American people is dependent on the ill being of another country's helpless citizenry.

Gurdjieff has a name for those kind of leaders. He called them 'Hansnamuss'.

Concerning this term 'Hansnamus,' Gurdjieff used this term to describe the most despicable representation of humanity that is possible and he put this type of person below what he called the 'tramp' and 'lunatic.' In describing this Hansnamuss to his pupil Ouspensky, Gurdjieff said "he was formally a tramp and a lunatic at the same time." This type of person eventually arrives at a condition where ". . . he never hesitates to sacrifice people or to create an enormous amount of suffering, just for his own personal ambitions."

Such individuals have no conscience. They have nothing in them that can see good and evil apart from their own self interest.

On Conscience Gurdjieff said:

"Conscience is a state in which a man feels all at once everything that he in general feels, or can feel."

"Even a momentary awakening of conscience in a man who has thousands of different I's is bound to involve suffering. And if these moments of conscience become longer and if a man does not fear them but on the contrary co-operates with them and tries to keep and prolong them, an element of very subtle joy, a foretaste of the future 'clear consciousness' will gradually enter these moments."

But conscience is not feeling all our emotions at the same time. It relates to a person feeling all their emotions all at once on a SPECIFIC subject. Conscience is that which gives us an emotional feeling of truth on something specific. There can be no disagreements on people who experience conscience anymore then there can be no disagreement between two mathematicians concerning the fact that one plus one equals two.

Our contemporary leaders, especially George Bush, are a perfect example of this 'Hansnamus', where such leaders consciously tap into religio-political imagery so as to enhance their support-base to further enhance the collective desire of the people to exploit another culture for the benefit of themselves and for the benefit of 'god.' A vote for Bush is a vote for 'god' and a vote for 'god' is a vote for Bush.

A recent example of this political manipulation is with the Schiavo case where the public had to endure watching the public execution of
Terri Schiavo
She was executed by the state of Florida at the request of noted death advocate George Felos acting on behalf of her husband Michael. She was executed without trial by jury, without congressionally ordered federal appeal and most cruelly, despite her family's heroic efforts to feed and care for her.

And all the while President Bush put on a good 'dog and pony' show to show what a 'good guy' and 'humanitarian' he is even though he set the record for the greatest amount of executions in US history as governor of Texas. As usual this psychopathic Bush works both ends against the middle. He goes through the motions of saving Terri even though he signed the 1999 Advance Directives Act which gave the power of the courts to remove the life support against the expressed wishes of the patient or guardian.

What is particularly horrific about the Schiavo case is that Terri clearly showed love and awareness to her parents (as could be seen from the pictures). It was clear that she had that spark of life, that affirmative spark of awareness. The terror of it all was bearing witness to Terri being together and happy with her parents, when the hearts of both her and her parents were now most open and most vulnerable to each other, probably more so at those moments then ever in their entire life together, and when all of America was now bearing full witness to this fact ... they kill her.

It was public execution, a sacrificial killing of the heart, a symbolic killing of the soul, a modern day crucifixion while the American people watched in helpless horror. It was the All helpless witnessing the All powerful, polarizing the people to 'save her' or 'kill her'... thumbs up or thumbs down.

Thumbs up?


Thumbs down.

Caesar called it

Just another day at the Roman Coliseum.

The government was sending a message loud and clear into the deeper recess of the inner psyches of the collective mind of the American people on that day, and at that final hour when they pulled the plug on Terri Schiavo the voice was saying to the public: "we will kill who we will, where and when we wish, when we want, and you have the power to do nothing, for you are our slaves and we are your masters."

Conscience is a guiding light. Clearly Bush has no guiding light apart from the light he can take or snuff out from others. He paints the world with a broad brush. All that touches his broad brush is either 'good' or 'evil.' He sees good and evil in generalities. He cannot see it in its specificity. He therefore he has no conscience and is simply not a natural man.

The Bitter Hymn of the Republic

Mine eyes have seen the coming
Of the Bush and Cheney Team,
They are smirking like the Cheshire Cat
That licked up all the cream
And 'though before them lies the body
Of the hallow'd American Dream,
They just keep marching on.

Glory, glory hallelujah.
Glory, glory, how they fooled ya.
From Florida to bloody Fallujah,
Their lies go marching on.

In a hundred ragged cities
I have seen them take the stage
As they mumble some pathetic lies
They've written on a page
But they never see the crowds below
With fists upraised in rage,
They just keep reading on.

Glory, glory hallelujah...(etc)

In the White House sits a leader
With the courage of soufflé,
And his Chicken Hawks assembled
As they pass the time of day,
Pouring mud upon the coffins
Of far better men than they,
As God is looking on.

Glory, glory hallelujah...(etc)

But now the day of reckoning
Is finally at hand,
And ages past are beckoning
To rise and make our stand--
To take the sword and face the foe
And drive them from this land!
And we are marching on!

Glory, glory hallelujah.
Glory, glory, how they fooled ya.
From Florida to bloody Fallujah,
But we are march-ing,
We are march-ing,
We are march-ing ON!

Copyright 2004, Hank Blakely


  • At 5:31 AM, Blogger IvIech said…

    I am astonished by the volume of writing you have placed for us in the ultimate goal of making us realize, the government sucks. Yet, you start out with a philosophical inquiry of "Synchroties" or however you spell it. And you further develop on this topic just to state, it is like people are acting without a soul, and something isn't right. However the synchronicities and that people are being controlled are something similar to the mindset of an idiot after he leaves seeing the Matrix. However, the insight of society being less prone to heartless murders is a little farfetched, for the most part, people DIE in war, if you don't understand that, take yourself out to the street and get shot. As for the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, it is something that comes with war, on a basis of stereotypes, bigotry, and the individuals in the war. And as for Terri Schaivo, that is just something you are trying to disprove, using her tragedy to manipulate us into thinking that Bush is manipulating us. You are being just as insensitive as you say the world is to the brutal murder of Jesus. Yet after that film, there is now a tangible idea of what happened, and how we really should be sorry for our sins.
    Yet what really bothers me about your technique in writing this, is the use of fear.
    You use fear as the media does, a one sided story where there is no explanation of how to help ourselves. This fear technique is a standard cliche of our times in persuasive ideals. You are one little scared man, and your fear with millions of others, does nothing. You give us a problem, but no solution.
    Making us afriad, when there is nothing to fear but fear itself, as FDR put it.
    For those of you who want a solution, do something, shake the world. It is in your power.

  • At 6:42 AM, Blogger Capricious Mad Hatter said…

    To iviech

    You say I give you a problem but no solution. But what if the first step to finding a solution is realizing that there is a problem in the first place? The problem must be made known before the solution can be given. If there is no problem then there is no solution. I am making people aware of the problem. Do you wish all to be given to you? You want both the problem and solution handed to you on a silver platter? You want cooked chickens to fly into your mouth? You see, it seems to me you neither care about the problem nor do you really care about the solutions because you want me to give it all to you. Those who expect everything to be given to them have no real value for anything. Thus you value neither the problems and correspondingly you care nothing for the solutions. You only care or value that which can be given to you.

  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You sure have an interesting blog! I don't agree with everything you write, but you raise some though-provoking material. Terry Schiavo as a symbolic sacrifice? Perhaps you are onto something here. The Universe only knows what weird rituals and beliefs Bush, Cheney and the gang(sters) get up to behind closed doors...

    A Wanderer.


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