Born Of Fire


Thursday, April 21, 2005

A Most Helpful Comment

A reader 'Anonymous' responded to my last blog with:

"Hi there!

"Sorry to hear about the job. Try recapitulating the day or preceding days to see if there were any more unusual synchronicities. This may give you more of a clue about whether there was an "evil magician" pulling the strings on this occasion.

Keep on bloggin! :)"

Thank you Anonymous for your kind advice. Upon further reflection I have found that the particular event that I referred to in my last blog had a certain "pattern" to it. I have learned that the challenge is in reading these patterns, that is, in connecting the dots, and not reacting to them with my emotional thinking. Any patterns that are are periodisic, that is, if they repeat themselves, may be a clue that there may be something that is 'real' about them and some real information might emerge that may be contained from therin. I may later read these emergent patterns as warnings, or perhaps I may later read them as deceptive trickery, or perhaps both, or perhaps something other or perhaps it may mean nothing. I still don't know. Perhaps these patterns are like 'gravity' and they 'attract' my attention
until I figure them out or somehing like that?

As to how the 'evil magician' relates to my experience I can say nothing for sure. But I have my ideas, although it is really useless to elaborate because nothing is certain. First my own prejudices concerning my own subjective views relating to how I understand good and evil must be more objectively evaluated before I can properly evaluate anything else.

What I might do on a later blog is talk about 'good' and 'evil,' since to even talk about the 'evil magician' one must have an understanding of 'good and evil' in the first place. So maybe on a later blog I'll talk about how subjective our understanding is concerning these two concepts of good and evil. After all, to correctly observe the inner/outer mechanizations of the real 'evil magician,' AKA the Matrix, AKA the Hyperdimensional Control System (which pulls the strings on mindless puppets like George Bush), we must correctly understand how we personally understand these terms with respect to ourselves and the choices we make.

A most excellent book on this 'matrix reality' and how it has influnced the events in our History is masterfully written in the book
Secret History Of The World
Correlations from History can be brought to the present.
In my own opinion no other book has been more objective on this issue then this book written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk (I have it listed in my Books column).

So, Anonymous, because of your most helpful comment I have been inspired to write on a later blog about how we all misunderstand these terms 'good' and 'evil' and how it is because of our subjective understanding of these two ideas that we allow psycho's like George Bush to destroy our children, our children's children, ourselves, and the rest of the planet.

After all, for all of those who willingly follow leaders such as Bush, the road to hell is always paved with 'good intentions,' leading us down that road to:

"Justice divine has weighed: the doom is clear. All hope renounce, ye lost, who enter here".--Dante Alighieri-The Inferno

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Something strange this way a cometh

Something very strange happened shortly after I posted my last blog called "The Bitter Hymn Of The Republic." Shortly after posting it I was suddenly called in to have a meeting with the "big Kahuna" of my the company and I was fired.

Just like that!

Did I offend 'something' with my blog?

I'll explain. About a month ago ago the company that I just started working for (they gave me only 3 days notice) suddenly sent me for a full week of training to Louisville Kentucky (home of the 'Louisville slugger', Muhammad Ali and Tom Cruise) on one of their complicated mechanical systems. I'm Ok mechanically but I'm much better with electronic systems. I'm slower working with strictly mechanical systems since my mechanical aptitude is about average (but I make the best of it). Well, their machines are mostly mechanical and it takes me a little more time to 'get it' (especially as I get older), since I'm no mechanical genius. The only other person at the training class was this Hawaiian guy who was excellent mechanically and he caught on so quick that I could not even wash his socks when it came to competing with him on mechanical repair! So I looked like a Neanderthal compared to this Hawaiian guy (who was a very nice guy) . But he never hesitated to show me up during the training class. Yep, he gave me a real "Hawaiian punch"!

Well, as I said, soon after I posted my last blog I was fired (since I was still on my probationary period). I asked them why they were letting me go since up to that point I was doing an excellent job. They said the trainer felt I was too slow in picking up the intricacies of their mechanical systems compared to the Hawaiian guy and they want someone who picks things up 'just like that.'

That's about it at the moment since I'm quite busy but I'll blog later about how my experience might relate to an unseen 'magician,' an evil demiurgic intelligence, a cryptogeographic being, if you will, that can "pull strings" outside of the framework of time and space and manipulate reality as easily as we can move furniture around in a room.

So was my recent experience a coincidence? Was it an interesting synchronicity? Was it my imagination? Don't know. But it is strange, especially since the name of the company that I worked for was 'Glory USA Inc.' (a strange name indeed for a company).

But I'll talk about this 'evil magician' later...