Religious Tyranny. Those words perfectly describe the signs of our times. Actually we all really think that we have religious freedom. That's what we call it. But is it really? Or is it really religious apartheid masked as religious freedom?
If we look at the situation from Bush's vantage point we see that he is trying to protect the Iraqis from 'religious tyranny'. But from the Iraqi perspective, the United States (AKA George Bush) is seen as forcing a secular way of life on the Iraqi people. All of our rhetoric about freedom, liberty, and democracy is meaningless if we deliberately violate the will of the people.
Bush's violation of the free will of the Iraqi people completely nullifies
his attempts to help them apart from helping those like him (AKA Big Corporations) who seek monetary control by establishing 'military religious orders' as was done during the times of the crusades.
I think Alan Woods
has some interesting things to say on this:
The crusades of George W. Bush
"The crusades of the Middle Ages were among the darkest pages of human history. There is not a single positive word one can say about them. Not, that is, unless your name is George W. Bush. Of course, the US President actually knows very little about the real history of the crusades, just as he knows very little about history in general, or anything else, for that matter.
"We live in the first decade of the 21st century. It is a very exciting period in human history in many ways. Science and technology have advanced to unheard-of heights. Many of the most important advances have been made in the USA. And yet in other respects human consciousness is lagging far behind the advances of the productive forces, science and technique.
"In the USA today most people believe in God and the devil. Millions are convinced that the first Book of Genesis - and the rest of the Bible - is literally true. They demand that children in American schools should be taught that God created the world in six days, and that the first woman was made out of Adam's rib. The first American to circle the world in a space ship, when asked to deliver a message to the people of the world, out of the whole of world literature, chose - the Book of Genesis.
"This contradiction between the colossal advances of science and the extreme backwardness of human consciousness is a dialectical contradiction. Nowhere is this contradiction so obvious as in the mentality of the right wing Republican Neo-Conservative clique that is now firmly installed in the White House. If we were able to open the head of George Bush and look into the workings of his brain, we would see there all the accumulated rubbish, prejudices and superstitions of the last thousand years.
"The mentality of those ladies and gentlemen who stand at the head of the world's most powerful and advanced country is not fundamentally different to the primitive psychology of the Middle Ages. They are steeped in religion, in its crudest and most primitive forms. They talk about the world in terms that could easily have been used by the crusaders: the "axis of Evil" and so on. They betray all the psychological traits of religious fanatics like Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. The only difference, as they will immediately protest, is that they are right, whereas those who hold contrary views are wrong (Bin Laden also thinks the same).
"Religious fanatics are always potentially dangerous people, especially when they have weapons in their hands. And George Bush has more weapons than most. He has just killed a lot of people in Iraq - men, women and children- in an unjust and unnecessary war. In these activities he has been enthusiastically supported by another religious fanatic, Tony Blair, who has recently announced that he is prepared to "meet his Maker" with a clear conscience after the war in Iraq.
"In the same way the medieval crusaders who waded up to their ankles in blood did so with a clear conscience, absolutely convinced that they were doing the Lord's work. Morally, there is not a lot to choose between the two, except that the crusaders of old used to do their own dirty work, while Bush and Blair merely order others to do it for them.
"Religion here serves as a useful fig-leaf to hide the real purpose of war. Just as the crusaders' religious zeal was the cover for other, baser motives, the real aims are disguised by all manner of hypocritical "moral" and even "humanitarian" considerations.
"It is not true, as some people have argued, that the war in Iraq is a "conflict of cultures". Millions of people in the West actively opposed the war, and still do. These are the natural allies of the people of Iraq, not their enemies. On the other hand, it would be foolish to believe that Bush and Blair invaded Iraq because of a difference about religion. They had other things in mind!
"The crusaders went to the Holy Land with the cross on their banner. But they soon got down to the serious business of filling their pockets, plundering cities, seizing lands and profitable trade routes. And our modern crusaders went to Iraq shouting loudly about freedom, peace and democracy, but made sure that they immediately got their hands on the oil. It is necessary to distinguish between shadow and substance!
"From a moral point of view there is little to choose between the barbarism of the Middle Ages and that of our own epoch. The main difference is that the destructive power of modern armies is infinitely greater than that of the Middle Ages.
"It is necessary to fight against barbarism, for a new world in which the madness and superstition we have inherited from the Middle Ages - and an even remoter past - will forever be consigned to the rubbish heap of history. The lag in consciousness will be overcome by the march of events - stormy events that will shake the psychology of the masses and bring about sudden and drastic changes. The old ideas and prejudices will not survive. The way will be prepared for a new world and a new way of thinking and acting that is worthy of real human beings".
It certainly appears to me that this shift towards Christianity by the Bush administration is simply a ruse to control the minds of the people in believing in the "one true God," that is, the "one true God" that the government wants us to believe in. So who is this "God"?
The govenment???
says in the following
"What was even more interesting was the fact that the only writings contemporary to the times of early Christianity, which mention it specifically, remark that it is a "vile superstition." Yet, what we have as Christianity today, is nothing more or less than the same religious practices of the peoples who branded it a "vile superstition." Obviously something very strange happened between the times of the early Christians, and the times in which Christianity became the established religion. And whatever it was that happened, changed Christianity from a "vile superstition" to an acceptable, all-inclusive, monotheistic device. In short, it seems evident that "true Christianity" has completely disappeared from the world stage and those individuals who call themselves Christian are not, in fact, Christians in the original sense of the word by any stretch of the imagination".
So what we call 'Christianity' today is nothing more then a monolithic control device that serves the government and NOT the people so that dictators like Bush can use it as a means to rule and control. It's simply a belief system that acts a policemen to establish control over peoples minds pending the final lock down for a police state.
This so called "separation of church and state" is nothing more then a ruse to shift away from our religious freedom that was really our inheritance from our founding fathers and shift it into a complete tyrannical control system that the government could use to establish the one 'true' religion that they now call "Christianity." Let's call it for what it really is. It's called RELIGIOUS TYRANNY.
In fact, Hitler, just like Bush, was also religeous. Actually, GERMANY was Hitler's religion. Though far from an atheist, Hitler was a Roman Catholic apostate. He at times would say things such as, "The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to Positive Christianity" [1934] — Positive Christianity being nonsectarian — and at other times would say, "National Socialism and Christianity cannot exist together" [1941]. It certainly is reasonable to suppose that Hitler used religion as Machiavelli recommended: as a tool of political influence and control.
Hitler would say about churches, "For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the degeneracy in the world of today" (sometime 1922-1939
Sound like someone we know?
If we look at the situation from Bush's vantage point we see that he is trying to protect the Iraqis from 'religious tyranny'. But from the Iraqi perspective, the United States (AKA George Bush) is seen as forcing a secular way of life on the Iraqi people. All of our rhetoric about freedom, liberty, and democracy is meaningless if we deliberately violate the will of the people.
Bush's violation of the free will of the Iraqi people completely nullifies
his attempts to help them apart from helping those like him (AKA Big Corporations) who seek monetary control by establishing 'military religious orders' as was done during the times of the crusades.
I think Alan Woods
has some interesting things to say on this:
The crusades of George W. Bush
"The crusades of the Middle Ages were among the darkest pages of human history. There is not a single positive word one can say about them. Not, that is, unless your name is George W. Bush. Of course, the US President actually knows very little about the real history of the crusades, just as he knows very little about history in general, or anything else, for that matter.
"We live in the first decade of the 21st century. It is a very exciting period in human history in many ways. Science and technology have advanced to unheard-of heights. Many of the most important advances have been made in the USA. And yet in other respects human consciousness is lagging far behind the advances of the productive forces, science and technique.
"In the USA today most people believe in God and the devil. Millions are convinced that the first Book of Genesis - and the rest of the Bible - is literally true. They demand that children in American schools should be taught that God created the world in six days, and that the first woman was made out of Adam's rib. The first American to circle the world in a space ship, when asked to deliver a message to the people of the world, out of the whole of world literature, chose - the Book of Genesis.
"This contradiction between the colossal advances of science and the extreme backwardness of human consciousness is a dialectical contradiction. Nowhere is this contradiction so obvious as in the mentality of the right wing Republican Neo-Conservative clique that is now firmly installed in the White House. If we were able to open the head of George Bush and look into the workings of his brain, we would see there all the accumulated rubbish, prejudices and superstitions of the last thousand years.
"The mentality of those ladies and gentlemen who stand at the head of the world's most powerful and advanced country is not fundamentally different to the primitive psychology of the Middle Ages. They are steeped in religion, in its crudest and most primitive forms. They talk about the world in terms that could easily have been used by the crusaders: the "axis of Evil" and so on. They betray all the psychological traits of religious fanatics like Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. The only difference, as they will immediately protest, is that they are right, whereas those who hold contrary views are wrong (Bin Laden also thinks the same).
"Religious fanatics are always potentially dangerous people, especially when they have weapons in their hands. And George Bush has more weapons than most. He has just killed a lot of people in Iraq - men, women and children- in an unjust and unnecessary war. In these activities he has been enthusiastically supported by another religious fanatic, Tony Blair, who has recently announced that he is prepared to "meet his Maker" with a clear conscience after the war in Iraq.
"In the same way the medieval crusaders who waded up to their ankles in blood did so with a clear conscience, absolutely convinced that they were doing the Lord's work. Morally, there is not a lot to choose between the two, except that the crusaders of old used to do their own dirty work, while Bush and Blair merely order others to do it for them.
"Religion here serves as a useful fig-leaf to hide the real purpose of war. Just as the crusaders' religious zeal was the cover for other, baser motives, the real aims are disguised by all manner of hypocritical "moral" and even "humanitarian" considerations.
"It is not true, as some people have argued, that the war in Iraq is a "conflict of cultures". Millions of people in the West actively opposed the war, and still do. These are the natural allies of the people of Iraq, not their enemies. On the other hand, it would be foolish to believe that Bush and Blair invaded Iraq because of a difference about religion. They had other things in mind!
"The crusaders went to the Holy Land with the cross on their banner. But they soon got down to the serious business of filling their pockets, plundering cities, seizing lands and profitable trade routes. And our modern crusaders went to Iraq shouting loudly about freedom, peace and democracy, but made sure that they immediately got their hands on the oil. It is necessary to distinguish between shadow and substance!
"From a moral point of view there is little to choose between the barbarism of the Middle Ages and that of our own epoch. The main difference is that the destructive power of modern armies is infinitely greater than that of the Middle Ages.
"It is necessary to fight against barbarism, for a new world in which the madness and superstition we have inherited from the Middle Ages - and an even remoter past - will forever be consigned to the rubbish heap of history. The lag in consciousness will be overcome by the march of events - stormy events that will shake the psychology of the masses and bring about sudden and drastic changes. The old ideas and prejudices will not survive. The way will be prepared for a new world and a new way of thinking and acting that is worthy of real human beings".
It certainly appears to me that this shift towards Christianity by the Bush administration is simply a ruse to control the minds of the people in believing in the "one true God," that is, the "one true God" that the government wants us to believe in. So who is this "God"?
The govenment???
says in the following
"What was even more interesting was the fact that the only writings contemporary to the times of early Christianity, which mention it specifically, remark that it is a "vile superstition." Yet, what we have as Christianity today, is nothing more or less than the same religious practices of the peoples who branded it a "vile superstition." Obviously something very strange happened between the times of the early Christians, and the times in which Christianity became the established religion. And whatever it was that happened, changed Christianity from a "vile superstition" to an acceptable, all-inclusive, monotheistic device. In short, it seems evident that "true Christianity" has completely disappeared from the world stage and those individuals who call themselves Christian are not, in fact, Christians in the original sense of the word by any stretch of the imagination".
So what we call 'Christianity' today is nothing more then a monolithic control device that serves the government and NOT the people so that dictators like Bush can use it as a means to rule and control. It's simply a belief system that acts a policemen to establish control over peoples minds pending the final lock down for a police state.
This so called "separation of church and state" is nothing more then a ruse to shift away from our religious freedom that was really our inheritance from our founding fathers and shift it into a complete tyrannical control system that the government could use to establish the one 'true' religion that they now call "Christianity." Let's call it for what it really is. It's called RELIGIOUS TYRANNY.
In fact, Hitler, just like Bush, was also religeous. Actually, GERMANY was Hitler's religion. Though far from an atheist, Hitler was a Roman Catholic apostate. He at times would say things such as, "The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to Positive Christianity" [1934] — Positive Christianity being nonsectarian — and at other times would say, "National Socialism and Christianity cannot exist together" [1941]. It certainly is reasonable to suppose that Hitler used religion as Machiavelli recommended: as a tool of political influence and control.
Hitler would say about churches, "For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the degeneracy in the world of today" (sometime 1922-1939
Sound like someone we know?