Born Of Fire


Thursday, June 02, 2005

No Free Speech Or Dogs Allowed

I found two very interesing articles on the Signs Of The Times website. One from
Joey Picador
and the other from Doris Colmes. I think Signs Of The Times is the most objective news reporting site on the web. I don't trust many others!

So Big Brother is here and he's got his jack boots on. But make sure you don't look into the deep dark abyss of Big Brothers eyes, otherwise he might look back and make looking in his direction illegal

By Doris Colmes
June 01, 2005
"ICH" - - Those were the magic words of the time: "Papiere Bitte. (Translation: "Papers, Please.") Hearing those words, even now, causes dull echoes of sounds akin to bodies hitting dirt, or bullets penetrating flesh to thud into my mind. Because, if those papers weren't correctly in order, or, if you were a Jew sneakily present in any place (including the grocery store) which displayed the usual "NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED" sign, you were dead meat--literally. And, yes, of course I'm talking about my childhood as a little Jewish kid in Nazi Germany.

No one ever forgets stench. Whether it is a long-forgotten encounter with a ripe skunk, or a ripe egg, or a ripe decomposing body, once one of those odors has been brain-documented, then even the slightest tinge of such an aroma pops back up immediately, along with the circumstances under which it first offended the nostrils.

And, that's what's happening now. I smell the long-forgotten skunk, the long-forgotten rot of fascism. What is happening all around can no longer be denied. What I ran away from so desperately in 1938 is coming back full circle. Only the jack-boots have not yet arrived.

America quite literally saved my life. The love and gratitude deep in my heart for this country will never go away. But I'm scared now. Haunted by deep fear for the generations to come, who may wind up as I did – looking over their shoulders, scurrying for cover, mute with terror. And it hurts.

Think I'm some kinda elderly nut-job neurotically manufacturing dictatorship? Well, let's look at the 82 billion dollar defense bill passed just a few weeks ago, which (with a vote tally of 100 to 0) had the Real ID Act hidden inside it. This law allows a national identification process in which each and every person in the U.S.A. will be on computer.

This ID will be based on driver's license applications, although it isn't just for driving. Just like the infamous "Internal Passport" of Nazi Germany, no one will need it unless needing to fly, cash checks, apply for jobs, walk the streets, enter federal buildings -- or drive. As stated in TIME magazine on May 15, 2005 , "If you are a wealthy recluse with liquid assets, it doesn't concern you." Everyone else better watch out! Well, maybe that wealthy recluse had better watch out also. After all, he/she might be of a forbidden religion, or of suspicious racial origin.

Legal "ID Theft" and legal "illegal surveillance?"

"The Real ID Act links driver's licenses of all states, creating a data base including the private details of every single U.S. citizen. It mandates that your driver's license share a common machine-readable digital photo of you, all the better to track your every movement. It hands the federal government unfunded mandate power to dictate what data all states must collect for license holders, including everything from fingerprints to retinal scans". [1]

And, if you don't drive, you'll still need to submit to the national ID card. How else, after all, will the cop who doesn't like the shape of your face, or the fact that you are (God Forbid) wearing a turban get to arrest you? Yes, "Papiere Bitte" has come home to roost.

And, folks, that's only the beginning. More technically sophisticated techniques will be implemented as they occur. If the Nazis had had electronic surveillance, phone bugging and all else that the Patriot Act not only condones but advises, there would have been an even tighter grip on the populace.

After all, the Patriot Act is modeled directly after Gestapo methods: Those 3:00 AM home intrusions – without warrant or reason for arrest – will get our undesirable "domestic terrorists" straight to the nearest version of Guantanamo with no need for trial. The USA is currently building thirty seven "detention centers" nationwide, and they'll soon be filled with persons who protest too much, or are simply of the wrong nationality. After all, it worked very well in Germany, successfully eliminating Jews, Gypsies, and anyone willing to stand up, and refuse to "Hail Hitler."

What's next? Well, it's already happening: The Geneva Conventions were initiated after WW II to prevent the insane war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by Nazi Germany from ever happening again. Now, with blithe disregard of all of the above, the U.S.A. not only institutes torture (not just physical, but deliberately mental and emotional) on its prisoners, but actually exports these folks to countries in which such torture is governmentally approved. What the U.S. domestic prison system has kept hidden for years, is now right out there for everyone to applaud. How long it will take before the prison guards tie together the legs of a woman in labor and then make bets on how long it will take her to die? After all, that's what guards did for fun in Nazi Germany. Abu Ghraib, anyone?

So, you ask, "If that's all true, why doesn't the media expose it all?" Now, that's such a classic example of Nazi strategy, it's almost funny. The Nazis took over the media, folks. No newspaper published a single sentence without governmental approval, and propaganda was fed to the populace instead of news. Sound familiar? A TIME magazine article, (April, 2005), gave illustrated examples of how the current administration administers this process.

And, last but certainly not least, the Nazis took over the German government in its entirety with one simple maneuver: They simply took over the courts. You know, like it's happening right now, today, even as we speak: Our filibuster was busted, and those neo-con activist judges are a-sittin' on the bench, ready to take over the Supreme Court. Because, once that Supreme Court is co-opted, hey, driver's license ID cards are gonna be the least of our worries. Ask me. I know!
[1] Jim Babka, Canyon Lake Week , Canyon Lake , TX 5-11-2005

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Atlantis Arising--Darkness Descending

A few months ago, when I started working for my previous employer (as I mentioned on my earlier blogs), I had to drive to Maryland to meet my supervisor for the first time so he could give me all the necessary paperwork, tools, and other items relating to the field work that I would be doing. In order to get to his house I had to get on what is called the Baltimore beltway, which even for the experienced driver can be a real test for one's patience.

The Baltimore Beltway is an interstate highway that extends around Baltimore, Maryland and the beltway loops around into a big circle, so that if you pass by your exit then all you have to do is to keep traveling and you'll just circle around back to your starting point. There's no fuss or muss if you miss your exit and need to turn back around. The beltway turns you around all by itself. All you have to do is to keep traveling in the same direction, or even in the opposite direction, and you won't even notice that you just looped around to the beginning. What is interesting about driving on the beltway it that it feels like your driving in a closed universe. You get the impression that your driving in a straight line until you find yourself back to your starting point! I guess it's kinda like the Kentucky Derby where the horses run around and around in circles.

Well, while I was driving on the beltway I was suddenly thinking about the idea of loops and (in my ever inquisitive inquiring mind) I began to think of the concept of ‘time loops' since the beltway reminded me of an endless circle that keeps turning endlessly around itself. Then I began to think about how our lives are like circles, especially our work life, and we just keep spinning around a central axis and always, seemingly, coming back to the same starting points.

Then I began to think about how when we are young our parents take care of us and then when we get older it's often the other way around. A circle again. When we're young we often fail to understand our parents from their point of view. We had difficulty in considering the hardships they faced while they were raising us and we had equal difficulties in understanding how we would often be a burden to them from our acting out of ignorance. We were pretty much too busily involved in our own lives for us to have seen how they saw us through the the mirrors of their own eyes.

Then when our parents get older and have difficulty taking care of themselves, they can become like children again, and then their children must become more like the adults, taking the parental responsibility of taking care of them just as they were taken care of when they were younger.

But it often happens that as our parents get older and subsequently can't take care of themselves, they have the same problem that their children had when their children were growing up. Now the aging parents can't see the difficulties the children are having in taking care of them in the same way that their children couldn't see the difficulties that their parents had when they were being raised.

So everything has really ‘looped' in this respect and what is important here is being able to see yourself through the eyes of the other person. As young adults, if we could see ourselves through the eyes of our parents, during the time they were caring for us, then maybe this would have helped them to see themselves through our own eyes when they get older, when we are caring for them. But of course, both parties need to be willing. But no matter how you look at it, being able to see ourselves through the eyes of another is what we could truly give another so as to help them to see themselves through our own eyes and the end result will help to relieve a heavy burden from the both of us, by not repeating the same mistakes. Maybe it's this "heavy burden," that weighs us down in family relationships and keeps us turning eternally in circles from ever repeating mistakes within our 'time loops'?

Well, all these kinds of things were going through my mind as I was driving to that job that I never should have really taken in the first place (once again I did not listen to my gut instinct). And then I began to think about the war in Iraq and how once again we are caught in a kind of 'time loop' also, from our failure to see ourselves as the rest of the world sees us. The same mistakes are being repeated that lead to Hitler's rise in Germany followed by his subsequent quest for world domination. It's the American peoples ignorance and their unwillingness to see themselves as the world sees them that lock us in. We cannot see how the world hates us because we see the world through our own hate and our own hate blinds us to the rest of the world. The world seems to be caught in a kind of family "time loop" but now the family is the world in which we live and the loop is what we call world history.

Now, what is most needed are those who try to point out the lies and hypocrisy of the Bush administration, especially the lies fed to us by the biggest lie in known history, the big lie of 911.

Not since the Kennedy assassination has there been such mind boggling cover ups, false information dissemination, confusion, outright lies, and criminal conspiracy on an event that changed the world. The dung heap of lies gets bigger and bigger by the minute at about the equivalent speed at which compound interest increases in one of the big banks.

Our indifference to the 911 event simply allows the Bush regime to push the entire planet into the brink of nuclear war, as is evident when he speaks in favour of using the US nuclear weapons against "rouge regimes." But of course these "rouge regimes," such as the "insurgents" in Iraq, who are really defending their country, are what Bush calls the "terrorists," but if the US launched a nuclear attack, then that of course wouldn't be terrorism, it would be something else, it would be whatever Bush wanted it to be, or call it to be.

Even though it was declared that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction (never mind the fact that Isreal DOES have them) and that it was subsequently determined that no WMD's existed and there was no evidence that Saddam gave support to Al Queada ( was all a big LIE), Bush simply deflected the issue by invading Iraq and killing over 100,000 people (I know, it's mind boggling) so as to "liberate" the Iraqi people from themselves. And all of the Bush supporters are simply believing a perception, that is, they are believing Bush's perception that WMD existed, even though there is no evidence of it, and all real evidence points to the contrary, but, yet, what Bush wants to believe is good enough for them, no doubt because they prefer "faith" to FACTS.

And hanging in the balance is the threat of nuclear holocaust, the entire planet now dangling on the single thread of a false perception by a psychopathic power crazed "religious" president and his immoral puppet sociopathic administration who see nuclear weapons as a foreign policy tool and the rest of the world as a machine that needs to be fixed.

That's right, it's diplomacy using nuclear weapons. But who needs diplomacy when you
have all the power? Obviously Bush seeks no diplomacy although he believes it to be
diplomacy only because he says it to be so, and only because he calls it to be such, but we all know that the strong don't need diplomacy, only the weak do.

And we all know that the Bush government seeks ultimate power; we can see it in the consolidations of the banks (who are the ultimate arbiters of how much money is in circulation...translation..."God") , and the big companies and corporations. Even your dry cleaners, coffee houses and movie rental shops are consolidating. That is the wave of the future.

See a pattern here???

Now how is it that all of America seems to acquiesce so easily to the lies and propaganda fed to them from this psychopathic administration? I mean, it seems to be so easy for our imperial leaders to deceive us as a mass consciousness. It's like were just waiting to step onto the trains going to the big ovens. Something doen't add up.

Could something be repeating here, something that happened many thousands of years ago and we all are back to repeat the same mistakes?

Is that why it's so easy for us to be decieved, because we have an innate predisposition as a mass consciousness to be decieved, or perhaps, we secretly all wish to be decieved?

A time loop of sorts?

Is it a time loop where the physical reality may have changed but the essential reality, that is, the thought patterns for world domination, ultimate power, and world annihilation are repeating themselves in a different form?

The essence pattern remains but the physical pattern simply takes another form?

A possible cyclic reincarnation surge from the days of yore, perhaps from the days of Atlantis?

And maybe towards the end of the days of Atlantis many strange things happened, much as they are happening today, such as strange signs in the sky that we are seeing today. Maybe it has something to do with the "alien question" and other things that happened during the last days of Atlantis and possibly we are all now involved in a repeat performance?

Laura Knight has many interesting things to say about Atlantis, especially in her book Secret History Of The World
as well as on this LINK in her website about the "evil empire" of Atlantis.

Well, if it's true that we are in a time loop and 911 was used as a means to keep us traveling in circles while we are really thinking that we are going in a straight line then the only way out of this beltway that is leading us into the ever diminishing spiral of self annihilation is to make others aware of the lies and hypocrisy and to INFORM them of these lies to the degree to which we are objectively able.

We can't fix or change the world but we can let others know the difference between a lie and the truth. Perhaps that's our only real option, our only real choice, that is, to increase the consciousness of the people around us by applying our objectivity to the world stage and exposing the sea of lies and deceptions that is about to blanket us all like the proverbial flood and in this way we can help ourselves in the process because those who we help can then be more able help us as in turn? It's just common sense to me.

Rodney Collin in his book The Theory Of Celestial Influence has an interesting statement regarding consciousness and how non-thermodynamic impulses, that is, impulses that produce an inner heat and not an outer heat that can be measured, can be transmitted from the future into the past and can change patterns within the present.

These impulses from the future come from a region where new patterns of events can take form but, yet, are not the events themselves, and this may very well allow for the spontaneous arising in the mind of new patterns of thought that come from the future which are not the result of influences from previous thought patterns or from influences recieved externally from the outside.

Also, this "cycle of time" that Collin speaks of in relation to the individual might also equally relate to groups of people and the "mass reincarnation surge" that I mentioned earlier.

Rodney Collin says:

"In any case, it is now possible to begin to see the effect of different levels of the degree of consciousness in the circle of the bodily life, and should theoretically also produce strong memory during the remainder of life, and should theoretically also produce impulses passing backwards towards birth. Should, however, the effects of consciousness begin to penetrate essence, much greater changes will take place. Whereas wire cools almost instantaneously, a plate can retain heat for a much longer time. Instead of being momentary, as it must be on the circle of bodily existence, consciousness which has penetrated into essence already has a certain duration, a certain reliability. It cannot be suddenly lost. Moreover, it will radiate heat in all directions, warming the whole mesh of parallel and crossing circles which we know from the interconnection of human lives, are woven into a solid and inexplicable mass. Thus the contact or presence of a man with such an essence may actually increase the awareness of those who come within his sphere of radiation or influence".

"Should the inner solid become hot, however, that is, should a man have created in him a conscious soul from the accumulated material of consciousness, an enormous change will result. In the first place, a hot solid can retain heat for a very long time indeed. For such a man consciousness will have become permanent, the central fire of his being. Further, it will radiate over an enormously extended area perhaps a hundred times greater than that warmed by the radiation of essence alone".

So perhaps what is true for an individual is also true for a family and for a nation?

As above so below.
